Sunday 31 July 2011

Ramadhan is here :)

Salam :)

So yeah peeps, Ramadhan is here again. Let us grab this annual chance to enhance our effort in ibadah so that we will got the barakah of this holy month. As the hadith goes by saying,

Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle saying regarding Ramadan, "Whoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven."  

May this Ramadhan ahead, will helps us to define our life as a muslim and become a better us, insyaallah.

Erm, as to help we score a lot this time, let us try to keep in track with this quick reminder, for you guys and of course myself ;


  • No terawih-skippinpg.
  • No badmouthing.
  • Try to finish 30 juz of Al-Quran.
  • Sadaqah :)
Actually, we can do a lot more, but yeah, this one just a little notes for us. So, happy fasting and have a blast ramadhan ahead.

May peace be upon you! :)

p/s : A little gift from my fav vlogger, here -

Saturday 25 June 2011

#1 random trivia : I prefer..

10 random trivia. myself ;

I prefer eating rather than sleeping
I prefer ballad and pop rather than rock
I prefer kim hyun joong in BOF rather than lee min ho
I prefer my mp3 rather than my handphone
I prefer cold drink rather than the hot one
I prefer Biology rather than Physic
I prefer being in city rather than in some-remote-area
I prefer pink rather than blue
I prefer Google rather than Yahoo (this recently)
I prefer small, cute car rather than the big, bulky one

Just a short post. This trivial somehow popped out into my mind. Will be writing lots more trivial later on.

May peace be upon you :)

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Say Alhamdulillah :)

Here a post I read from my dear sister's blog, somehow I realized that I've been selfish all this while as I always think for my own goodness even though there's other people who live their life on the verge of poverty, misery and violence. 

Count Allah Azzawajal's Blessings......
Count Allah Azzawajal's Blessings

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead
and a place to sleep ... you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish
someplace ... you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness ... you are more
Blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of
imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of are
ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can pray in a Mosque without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or
death ... you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

If your parents are still alive and still married ... you are very rare.

If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are Truly
Thankful... you are Blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

If you can read this message, you just received a double Blessing in that
someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are more Blessed than
over two billion people in the world who cannot read this message at all.

Have a good day, count your Blessings to Thank ALLAH Azzawajal, and pass this along to remind everyone else how Blessed we all are. Alhamdulillah!

Indeed, His Creations are The Best, as He Is The Best of all Creators. :)

Monday 20 June 2011

Easy life : who doesnt want that?


So yeah, I'm writing this post while fresh-released 2PM album banging from the speaker. Life had never been easier and simpler than now. Everyday wake up and make myself a so-called breakfast. Then there goes TV (which barely have something interesting! fuhh ), a bit house chores, next is mr. lappy, followed by some kitchen-thingie-for-lunch. and my mum come home, so the whole evening is history. Boring? There goes, Google, Maadu, not to mention Youtube, okay Facebook (even though I think its quite lame right now) and newspaper. It is good to be a bit old-fashioned sometimes, like reading newspaper to every inch of it, hating lines of e-books just because I don't really FEEL the feeling of reading. I need a book, a REAL book

Just because of the LOTS of time I have,  (which I should spent it wisely and I wasnt doing that well ==' ) seems like I had developed myself so-called-kpop. I've been watching quite a number of MV, damn they are really good in dancing, I should say. A few songs had succeeded to top my playlist. Unfortunately I am bad at recognised all those singers esp in group, but at least I know one of them. hehe :)

I also watched movies and drama. Which I missed during my previous schooling years, as I was in boarding school before. As I said before, my life had never been this way. Before, it always about school, going back to hostel, busy for exams, so I didnt really have time before for all those stuff. BUT I never regret my hostel student life. It's one of the best decision ever, I can tell.

And thats why, I should admit that I dont suits this easy-breezy-life. I need more vibrant and busy life. Which should keep me around the clock, even sop/ its tiring, it somehow a passion for me. Gosh, its like some kind of u-are-workaholic-type sign? Nadaa, its just that when I got a lot of free time, I tend to waste it. So it would be better for me to have something in mind, to be taken care of. 

Okay. Pen off here. 
Au revoir~

May peace be upon you :)

p/s : as the college-day is coming near, i running myself through another drama-run CINDERELLA MAN. and self-repeat playlist of 2PM. chilling before the misery kicks off!

Thursday 16 June 2011

Late Autumn :)

I was attracted to the movie title at first, until i found out that the main cast is Hyun Bin. Wohoo.. *okay, over-excited pulak*

The movie will be screened in US, this 17th June. I have read the synopsis, and it seems to be a melodrama story, which mainly filmed in Seattle, US. Its a korean production but surprisingly the heroin  is a Chinese actress, namely Tang Wei.

I think the storyline is awesome, but its actually a remake from a hit korean movie back in 1966 (my mom dont even born yet) so thats why the scene and style of this film is kind of vintage and oldies.


Anna Chen's (Tang Wei) highly jealous husband discovers that Anna has rekindled a relationship with her first love. When Anna's husband confronts her about their relationship a terrible fight ensues. Anna awakens from a daze and discovers that her husband is dead. The police arrive. 7 years later, Anna learns in prison that her mother has passed away in Seattle. Prison officials grants Anna a three day furlough to attend her mother's funeral. Anna sits alone on a bus about to embark on a long trip to Seattle. A man in a hurry suddenly boards the bus right before its departure. The man doesn't have enough money to pay for the ticket so he looks over to the seated passengers. The man spots Anna and walks confidently to her. He smiles and asks to borrow $30. The man eventually gets the $30 and is able to ride the bus to Seattle. The sweet-talking man's name is Hoon (Hyun Bin). He is a Korean immigrant who works as a gigolo. Hoon is now on the run from a wealthy client's furious husband. These two seemingly lost souls are about to share three memorable days together ... 

 <3 I like the tagline ;

"An unconventional love story of a prisoner and a runaway in Seattle"

A few clip from the movie ;

Look at his dimple :)

The official music video. Kind of tells a bit about the movie.

I'm hoping to watch it. So, just hope that somebody is kind enough to upload it into the web a.s.a.p

Until then, adios people! :)

May peace be upon you.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

this is what we called SARCASM

Watch this, by matluthfi90 :)

Got the meaning? Haha, he's being sarcastic to recently-revealed malaysian K-POP. Yeah, I'm talking about gula-gula and 24:7. (aishh, nama pun x komersial) To be honest, I hate them so muchhhhhhh, my first impression to them was EEEUUUUUWWWW. what the hell is this? Were they too desperate for fame that they had to follow the hallyu wave right now? Ouh nooo.

We malaysian should have our own identity lahh, like in the video 'Just be your self'. Dont bother to be sexy, or wearing a jacket without any top (another EUUUWW), or try to pose as cute as u can in a picture. These all are just DISASTER. Man, it doesnt suit u lahh. 

I'm not saying this because i'm k-pop fan ( just into it ^^ ), but I'm concern about this because   its gives ashamed to not only malay people ( most in the 24:7 are malay i guess ) but to our nation. As if as we didn't have our own identity to be proud of. Haishh.. 

I've read a comment before : Ala. korang kutuk-kutuk sebab group nie x muka jambu, x tough, x mata sepet? My answer, hell yes if compared to those korean stars. But if they really wants to be a star, why dont they stand up with their own character. no need to copycat of what u cannot look like one. 

Hahaha. Matluthfi had once again done a good job! Well done :)
Until then, adios people. 

Tuesday 14 June 2011


I always like city. to live in a big one. :)

 I like sakura. since i was small kid. :)

I cried when i watched toys story 3. beautifully touched :')

I can swim, but i'm scared to swim alone. in deep sea. or greenly lake. or bluish pool. :(

 He was cute, back then. but i dont think he's cute now. :(

just a random thoughts for a random pictures i've seen. teehee~

I feel bad.

There's time when all of sudden i feel bad. ain't u like that too?

Like today, i woke up late even though i slept early last night. i feel bad because it seems like i've wasted a wonderful morning back then. 

I feel bad too when i was left alone for the whole day just because my parents are all busy. they are not like that usually, which yeah, make me feel worse.

I feel bad when i'm too lazy to do anything. a lot of stuff should be done but i just dont have the feel to get off my ass from the couch. ouhhhhh :(

I feel bad when i need to ask money from daddy. i'm not the one who born with silver spoon in my mouth, but yet, my life is perfect. just the feeling like i've burden him damn much. i know its his responsibilty but, i just cant help. 

i post on FB recently, and yeah, it gives me a lot of thought. What should we do when we're sick & tired of this life? up until now, i dont have the answers. maybe that time will come, or maybe it wont come, never ever. so why bother? Who knows, I might die, now or tomorrow or next month or by twenty years old? Only Allah know. So for the mean time, i should embrace my life and have a great experience with it.

and yeah, this one light me up when i found it in someone tumblr. ( Tumblr is nice, I might have it in time? we'll see )

But I didnt cry :')

Sunday 5 June 2011

thought of the day.

Salam :)

Today, I learnt a lot about life from the older generation. Yes its true, what goes around comes around. Whenever we've done deeds to other people, insyaallah it will come back to us. Just to remember, the goodness will come in any way, even in an unexpected way.  

In our daily life, we will face a lot of troublesome, but thats what teaches us to be matured and become a wise man.  My teacher once told us, a matured man is when we cannot deny anything he'll say, because he have a strong good judgement and reason behind it. And this I believe can only be obtained by a LOT LOT LOT of experience. 

By then, adios people!
May peace be upon you :)

Saturday 4 June 2011

DOA : Panjangnya tidak penting, maknanya yg perlu dihayati :)

Salam :) 

Saya masih ingat, masa kecik2 dulu. Ayah paksa saya hafal doa lepas baca yassin, i was, what, twelve on that time? so saya takut kena marah, hafal je la. bila dah melangkah ke sekolah berasrama, dan ditarbiyah oleh environment masa tu, saya mula hafal lebih byk doa. As we all know, in Islam, we got various doa for everyday usage. As from little small thing, nak tidur, makan, pakai baju. Also doa for our dearest parents and for our beloved ummah.

Dan bila kita pergi masjid or any ceramah, kita selalu dgr ustadz dan para imam, mbaca doa-doa yg agak panjang sampaikan si makmum di belakang tlentok-lentok, tertidur. *which is a common thing u'll see among teens

Sampai mcm ni sekali tertidur. aishh :)
Dari situ saya terfikir, apakah perlu doa yg panjang sedangkan kita tidak memahami maksudnya? saya tidak menyalahkan ustadz atau imam yg melakukan yg sedmikian, tp saya bbicara dr konsep kita yang melakukannya seharian. 

seharusnya, kita memahami sesuatu doa yg dilafazkan, berbanding berasa megah apabila membaca doa yg panjang tp tidak tahu apakah asas yg dipohon kpd Allah s.w.t. Apabila kita faham dgn apa yg kita ucapkan di dalam doa, pastinya kita berasa lebih khusyuk ketika berdoa. Malah, kita akan lebih yakin dgn doa kita seterusnya merasakan apa yg kita hajati lebih sampai kepada Allah s.w.t. Kita boleh berdoa dalam bahasa melayu kerana Dia juga memahami, tetapi bukankah lebih afdal kita memohon kepada-Nya melalui bahasanya, bahasa arab? Bahasa syurga?

 Terutamanya doa yg mudah-mudah. doa tidur, doa sebelum & selepas makan, doa menaiki kenderaan. Tetapi jangan pula terus-terus berasa malas utk bdoa sekiranya kita tidak memahami sebarang doa. Takut dianggap sombong oleh Allah s.w.t., nauzubillah. Mulakan dgn mencari makna yg mudah terlebih dahulu, insyaallah, Allah s.w.t. akan permudahkan kita utk melanjutkan usaha ini.

وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِي سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ (٦٠)
Dan Tuhanmu berfirman: “Berdoalah kepada-Ku, niscaya akan Kuperkenankan bagimu. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri dari menyembah-Ku akan masuk neraka Jahannam dalam Keadaan hina dina”. 
(QS: Al-Mu’min 40:60)
So, here are some doa along with its meaning. Hope with this small act will get u guys understand more what u are reciting in ur doa. 
Doa makan :
SEBELUM :          اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِيْمَا رَزَقْتَنَا وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
 Ya Allah berkatilah kami pada apa yang telah Engkau rezekikan kepada kami dan jauhkanlah kami dari azab neraka.  
SELEPAS :          اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ الَّذِيْ أَطْعَمَنَا وَسَقَانَا وَجَعَلَنَا مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِيْنَ
 Segala puji bagi Allah Yang telah memberi makanan dan minuman kepada kami, dan telah menjadikan kami tergolong dalam orang-orang Muslim.

Doa selepas bangun :

Segala puji bagi Allah yang menghidupkan kami selepas mematikan kami dan kepadaNya kami akan kembali.

Doa selepas solat :

So, with that, adios people! 
May peace be upon you.

Thursday 2 June 2011


Salam :) 

So, this entry is all about ligyrophobia. *tak tahu lah pulak melayunya ape.

I realized that i have a few ligyrophobia symptom recently, which is if u dont know what the hell is it, here is what i read from the PSYCHOLOGY WIKI

Ligyrophobia is a fear of loud sounds, especially a sudden and unexpected ones.

It all started this previous weekend. I was at a kenduri, when someone-an inconsiderable one- had fired up firecracker. konon konon nk brighten up the mood as soon the bride and bridegroom had arrived *ceshhh. i knew myself good enough that i know i wont bare the explosive sound, but still i try my best to keep calm and relax. at the end, it turn out worst. the more i tried to tolerate with it, myself become more solicitous, lastly i found myself cried. T.T
*malu toksah ckp, abes makcik-makcik sebelah tgk.  apehal laa budak ni? 
penat i insisted my mom to go home, tp mama boleh buat muka selamba. so balik je dulu, nsb baik rumah dekat. haha, i AM that extreme sebab x tahan sgt dah.

Back home, i ask cik Google about this kind of fear, because up until now, i just realized my condition. Here, i should write a few of my symptom.

ONE. mase kecik-kecik, saya mmg akan lari jauh-jauh kalau ade org nk main mercun. pernah sekali, cousin sume seronok je nak main mercun, saya sanggup lari masuk bilik, nyorok dalam almari kot, sebab x nk dgr bunyi mercun. =='

mercun ni lah :(

TWO. saya sgt x suka pada belon sebab takut that little thingie pecah. saya x suka bunyi belon meletup. pernah waktu form3, kawan saya pecahkan belon, right in front of my face which made me cried. heh, sounds chicken kan? =='

urghh..balloons. adorable but..erm

THREE. kalau dgr cik Sony Walkman saya, u'll find i like to listen to soft song. haha, not to mention piano instrumental. (bukan jiwang yee) and there's a song, Russian Roulette by Rihanna. last skali dye ade bunyi a bang of gunshot.  saya sgt-sgt x suka dgr sbub that thudded sound make my heart beat faster, goshhh. so, sebelum lagu tu habes, saya akan cepat-cepat tekan next button. haishh :(


I kinda become more careful nowadays, because once i experience the situation, i found myself become hurly-burly :( i cant stop myself from crying, my mind become topsy turvy, and it destroyed my mood definitely. 

end of today' story. but but but, before that ;

nice one from ANWARHADI :)

with that, adios people.
May Peace Be Upon You :)

Wednesday 1 June 2011

When you say something, you should mean it.

What Are Words by Chris Medina

I love everything about this song. its melody, its lyric, its awfully beautiful i should say. 
Yeah, i cried for the first time i heard this song. Why?

A couple of years before, my mom had been sick by the cause of a rare disease, it strikes only one out a thousand people. But docs assumed it as a type of cancer, which called SIS virus. I was a young girl back then. Hardly know what my parents were going through on that time. Me plus my lil sis and bro were sent to opah, while my mom undergone surgery which affected part of her cranial bone, up until now.

My mom was sick, yet she's incredibly strong. It was my dad who had amazed me. He always been there for my mom. Come hell or high water, he's there. 

Now I'm a big girl and i can think by myself. 

Each time i listen to the particular song, it reminds me of how my dad had always been there for her. How he had waited patiently beside her, for a long night in the hospital. How he had sacrifice his time, whenever she needs to go to the doc. How much effort had he put, to ensure that my mom can be healthy again. He did everything regardless money, energy and anything he had on that time.

Now, she's getting better. My mom is awesome as she had passed her critical time, but my dad is the one who behind her story. 

When we say we love somebody, we should mean it.
Its not just a words or a romantic phrase, but come with it a promise, a faith that we'll always been together, to support each other.
And yeah, love do heal people, but in its own way.

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

For the mean time, adios people!

Can't wait!

Salam :)

I barely can stop myself of typing longer woohooo..

*what the hell i'm all excited about? 
well, u see, *ehem*
KIM HYUN JOONG is releasing a new song.
i just found the teaser and its AWESOME.
Can't wait for the full MV.

Check the teaser here :)

KHJ - Please

actually, i'm not that too-much-into-kpop,
somehow the beat goes along with myself. can't help it.

by then, adios people!